Forty names were nominated from throughout the Nebraska Synod during the February 5 Cluster meeting. The internet exploded with disappointment and accusations of racism. Business Session 1 & 2 - Sierra Pacific Synod Assembly 2022. Session 4. That vote, however, was shy of the necessary two-thirds majority needed. Additionally, you'll find a brief letter from Synod Vice President Gail Kiyomura regarding an update for the proposed Interim Bishop. The Sierra Pacific Synod Youth Committee (SPSYC) invites elementary and middle school aged youth to attend the Retreat this November! The AWCB combined all the responses from Western and . Is the ELCA a racist institution? If there has been misconduct, there should be transparency. This assembly session (4) can be viewed HERE. Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod, ELCA We invite you to register for this as an added Special Event in your general Assembly registration above. The Synod Council calls and terminates calls of mission developers. That resolution received 56 percent of votes cast, but did not reach the two-thirds requirement to be adopted. In the first in-person assembly since 2019, more than 264 voting members and visitors were in attendance. In particular, the release of the full report from the Listening Team, appointed by Presiding Bishop Eaton in consultation with the Latin community and Bishop Rohrer of the Sierra Pacific Synod. Synod Assembly Registration is open from March 1 - May 1, 2022. On December 15, theAsociacin de Ministerios Latinos de la ELCA(Association of Latino Ministries of the ELCA) expressed its deep disappointment in the decision. We are thrilled to share we will have two keynote speakers and one keynote musician for Synod Assembly. If we do not, we cannot expect our siblings of color, lay and clergy, and their allies to feel comfortable as part of the ELCA. I have asked Bishop Rohrer to attend their assembly, speak and listen to their constituents, and give this the prayerful consideration it deserves after which I will expect their response. For the education session,, 2635 Northgate Dr Dear Friends and Colleagues in the South Carolina Synod, Many of you are aware that our church is experiencing significant conflict that arose and went public on social media following events in the Sierra Pacific Synod, and have resonated throughout the whole ELCA. Rabell-Gonzlez was a candidate for bishop. On Saturday evening, June 4, 2022, the Conference of Bishops (CoB) was informed that at the conclusion of the Sierra Pacific Synod Assembly, Bishop Megan Rohrer did not resign as requested by the Presiding Bishop. We work hard to put our faith into action. Since I wrote to you yesterday, Presiding Bishop Eaton, in consultation with the Listening Team, this morning released the Teams report in both English and Spanish. November 18-20, 2022. at Mt. The COB strongly affirmed her decision to do this. December 13, the Sierra Pacific synod posted this about the event. Accusations of lynching Bishop Rohrer are inappropriate, and frankly offensive to the horrific reality of lynching. Rohrer was elected on the fifth ballot, with 209 votes. A similarly strong statement was made by the interim vice president of the ELCA, Carlos Pena, who presided over much of the proceedings. I want you to know that I support their final recommendation: Based on the facts and testimonials in this report, we recommend that the Presiding Bishop bring disciplinary charges against Bishop Rohrer under Chapter 20 (20.22.01.b; 20.22.02.c) with the full knowledge that such action could result in removal from the Office of Bishop and the removal from the ministry of Word and Sacrament of this church.. Dear ones in the Southeastern Iowa Synod. To learn more about their tribal history, we encourage you to click. If Bishop Rohrer has not stepped down, we will bring charges. Mara Peregrina (formerly known as Misin Latina Luterana). There is much work to be done. . As a Synod Council, we have not had any direct information that leads us to conclude that Bishop Rohrer has lost the trust of the congregations and pastors within our region or that it is in the best interest of the Synod at large for them to resign. Any pastor with a no-confidence vote of 50%+ knows there is no way forward, whether a congregation or synod. On Sunday, December 12, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Bishop Rohrer was present for worship atMisin Latina Luteranain Stockton, a mission of the Sierra Pacific Synod. Bishop Patricia Davenport has written insightfully on the challenge. Advertisement - story continues below "The constant misinformation, bullying and harassment has taken too hard a toll in the Synod . Our hands," the ELCA emphasizes the saving grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ, unity among Christians and service in the world. Click here to Register! I invite you to join me in prayer for Bishop Eaton, for the Sierra Pacific Synod, staff, and Bishop Rohrer as they meet in assembly this week, for the Rev. 2022 Synod Assembly Hotel InformationIrvine Marriott. Theologian in Residence Pam Rocker will lead an LGBTQ+ Pre-Event on Thursday, June 2nd from 9:00am-12:00pm prior to the Assembly formally opening. He recommended The Conference of Bishops do anti-racism training, together, and so we are, starting this month. The election took place during an online synod assembly. 5/27/2022 12:15:00 PM Sierra Pacific Synod Bishop's Report to the Church . It is usually very painful. Click here for more information on how to volunteer at Synod Assembly. We must also value transparency, accountability of pastors, bishops, and institutions, and open conversation. ELCA Presiding Bishop Releases Report Examining Removal of Latino Pastor by Bishop Rohrer. This is not about one congregation (that has now left the ELCA to be independent) or one pastor, though. Our Keynote Musician, Rachel Kurtz, will perform a concert for the community on Wednesday, June 1st at 7:00pm at a local congregation in Reno, NV. You can purchase a ticket for the Banquet through our general registration form above. The listening team noted that the Sierra Pacific Synod has . Secrets are corrosive. Repentance is. We are thrilled to share we will have two keynote speakers and one keynote musician for Synod Assembly. Pastor Rabell-Gonzlez denies the allegations,saying he tried to blow the whistleon secrets related to the relationship between the ELCA and the Hispanic community. Gathering under the theme "Embody the Word," voting members of the 2022 Churchwide Assembly of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) made a number of key decisions to further the mission and ministry of this church. I understand there were multiple allegations. An Update on the Sierra Pacific Synod: June 6, 2022. I am aware that there has been much communication about this matter within many social media networks, but I am cognizant of the fact that not all participate in or follow social media and it is possible that not all receive ELCA news releases. Obviously, this is catching a lot of congregations by surprise, and that is not good. In September, the Sierra Pacific Synod held a bishop election that had been long-delayed due to the pandemic. Our synod is growing at the same time that many churches have been entering crises- this is a time when any actions of the church need to be uniform and strong, not divided and dividing. May 31, 2022 Update: After two months, the Listening Panel appointed March 8 reported to the Presiding Bishop on April 29, though the report was not released publicly. January 26, 2022 Email from Bishop Gohl regarding the Sierra Pacific Synod; Bulletin of Reports - Part 1, Part . We ask that you pray for the Sierra Pacific Synod as they experience a very complex synod assembly, for all directly involved in the events in Sierra Pacific, for Presiding . That vote, however, was shy of the necessary two-thirds majority needed. And most importantly, let us not lose sight of the fact that our God is faithful, Jesus is risen, and the Holy Spirit is pouring grace upon us and all of Gods people. Alejandra Molina. The next step will be listening to leaders of color, and then considering a curriculum for congregations reaching into new, diverse communities. He facilitated a conversation (in committee-of-the-whole) at the Thursday night session. Heres what I know. See what Partner Ministries will be present at this year's Synod Assembly and how you can engage with them! If we say we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves. Many of you have wondered about my silence. An update from the Sierra Pacific Synod Vice President. Dear Beloved, Most of you are aware by now of Bishop Eaton's report to the church regarding the Sierra Pacific Synod and the conduct of Bishop Megan Rohrer regarding the closure of Misin Latina Luterana, which occurred last December on the Feast of the Virgin of Guadalupe. December 16, Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries(ELM) suspended Bishop Rohrers membership. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. I asked one of the leaders of the Association of Latino ministers of the ELCA what needed to happen next. Click here for more information on how to volunteer at Synod Assembly. Let us speak the truth in love and humility. Megan Rohrer (born 1980) is an American Lutheran minister and activist. Bishop Eaton refers to unwise actions that may appear to be insensitive or misguided.. A Message from Bishop Erickson about the 2022 ELCA Churchwide Assembly August 18, 2022 We've just completed a week at the ELCA Churchwide Assembly in Columbus, and I thought it would be helpful to share with you a brief summary of some of the highlights, as well as my own thoughts and impressions of a short but very full week. Session 5. We are at a moment in history where the ELCA, the whitest denomination in the United States, cannot afford to hide the reality that structural racism, unequal power dynamics, and cultural insensitivity undermine our efforts to become a diverse, multi-ethnic church that reflects the diversity of the United States. February 17, 2022 Update: The Sierra Pacific Synod has issued this statement. The Assembly will commence on Thursday, June 2, 2022 and close Saturday, June 4, 2022. God is continuing to make a way for new life even, and especially, as we are hurting and broken. A prayer from Rev. That vote fell short of the required 2/3 by 33 votes. How This Impacts Our Synod. The Sierra Pacific Synod Office resides on the unceded land of the Ramaytush Ohlone People. After further consultation with the Listening Team, I have decided that releasing the report is a necessary step so that we can move forward and focus . Registration will be $200 for Voting Members and $50 for Visitors. Wiedemann Center Pr. Jeff R. Johnson, pastor of University Lutheran Chapel of Berkeley in Berkeley, Calif . The intrusion of the announcement of the pastors termination of call on that day was an assault on that dignity. The 35th annual Assembly of the Delaware-Maryland Synod, ELCA will be held Thursday, May 12 through Saturday, May 14, 2022 at the Roland E. Powell Convention Center in Ocean City, MD. More : On Thursday, June 2nd during the Assembly we'll host an evening fundraiser for Sierra Pacific Outdoors! Release of the Listening Team Report (June 1) Then the Listening Panel also made a statement, sharing their frustration that their recommendations were not followed or published. I write to you today to share recent communications regarding the Sierra Pacific Synod. Letus work so that what has happened with La Misin Luterana Latina and Pastor Rabell never happens again. I am not privy to the details of the misconduct allegations. May 31, 2022. Many of you may be aware of the painful controversy involving the Sierra Pacific Synod. This team was tasked to gather information and make recommendations to Bishop Eaton concerning Bishop Megan Rohrer and events surrounding the end of Nelson Rabell-Gonzlez call to the Misin Latina Luterana community on the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe in December of 2021. Rohrer is the first transgender bishop in the ELCA. I know an independent, outside review is taking place. December 14 Pastor Lamont Anthony Wells, National President of theAfrican Descent Lutheran Association expressed concern at Pastor Rabells treatment, raising concerns of ecclesiastical process and historical harmful actions that can be buried in red tape and non-disclosure agreements. The news of Bishop Eatons request was published in the Washington Post. A number of you have asked me about the situation going on in the Sierra Pacific Synod. The investigation was in process. I invite you to read the resolution passed at the recent synod assembly Reaffirmation of Anti-Racism Efforts. And theSynod Anti-Racism Network Facebook group. It is very important that all attendees download the app - release set for May 1, 2022. Bishop Megan Rohrer did not submit their resignation, as Presiding Bishop Eatonhad requested. We have a eurocentric perspective on worship, theology, architecture, administration, and church leadership that views all else as inferior or un-Lutheran (sometimes heretical), a byproduct of colonialism and modernity baked into our church structures, much of which was formed in colonial realities. On December 23, Bishop Rohrer issued anapology. Response from the Latino Ministries Association and Partner Organizations (May 28) I will sign. We are committed to moving towards reconciliation and restoration of all parties, believing in faith that this is possible under Gods grace. I pray that the conversation around this situation will lead us to begin to repair trust with not only Iglesia Luterana Santa Mara Peregrina but with communities of color across the church and help us to name and address racism where we see it in our institutions. Lodging is available at The Nugget Casino Report in Sparks, NV at a discounted group rate. In Bishop Eatons letter on Wednesday, June 1, that included the Listening Teams report, she says, I encourage all members of the church to carefully review the report so that we may all continue the necessary dialogue to achieve a path forward together. Therefore, I believe that it is important to share this report and related links with the Southeastern Iowa Synod, for your information and to request prayer for the ELCA and the Sierra Pacific Synod. We have more than enough votes. We invite you to book your hotel room here. June 2, 2022. I covet your prayers. I write to you today to share recent communications regarding the Sierra Pacific Synod. At the 2021 Sierra Pacific Synod Assembly, Rev. Click here to find information on the Proposed Budget, Elections, Nominations, Resolutions, Memorials and more. Yesterday a complicated and cluttered motion was put forward to remove the bishop. No institution, including the ELCA, can erase the image of God imprinted on each and all of us. Click here to Register! Dr. Leah Shade is a teaching theologian of the ELCA has shared Pastor Nelson Rabell-Gonzlez side of the story, with permission. In time the Synod Council made its determination and chose to terminate Pastor Rabell-Gonzlez call. June 4, 2022 Update: The Sierra Pacific Synod is in Assembly. We often do not understand why communion, diversity, and novelty terrify us and sometimes lead us to divide ourselves and cause harm among . All pre-identified candidates agreeing to stand for election have submitted biographical . This process will take time, and Bishop Eaton will provide updates as appropriate. To learn more about their tribal history, we encourage you to click. Philadelphia, PA 19119. Following their reception as a minister in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Rohrer served the church as bishop of its Sierra Pacific Synod from 2021 until resigning in June 2022. Since the assembly concluded, a news release issued on Monday confirms that Bishop Eaton, with strong support of the Conference of Bishops, is initiating the discipline process, including suspension of Bishop Rohrer. This news at any time would be painful, but the pain was particularly acute for the community because it came on the day that the community holds sacred and beloved. It has to do with the racial insensitivity and timing in the disclosure December 12, and the subsequent actions and inactions. Watch on. By. We are part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, with 4 million members. Lori Keyser-Boswell Pastor of Mt. We must not be silent in cases of injustice against individuals or institutions. All elections will be held during the Synod Assembly June 3-5, 2022. 2 Black congregations and pastors have certainly experienced discrimination over the years by the dominant culture in our very white denomination. Franklin Morales (RET Co-chair) on behalf of the RET. Because of this, those of us on the outside find it difficult to respond. . May 18, 2004. This is a first step. Among its recommendations, the team said the Sierra Pacific Synod should find a way to provide a home for the congregation's ministry and added that the Sierra Pacific Synod Assembly. As Church we must stop and bear witness to the pain and harm caused to the community of Iglesia Luterana Sta. Earlier this year, Presiding. More details to come. The discipline process will go forward immediately, including suspension of Bishop Rohrer. Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church, Michael Curry Throughout his ministry, Bishop Curry has been a prophetic leader, particularly in the areas of racial reconciliation, climate change, evangelism, immigration policy, and marriage equality. Dear friends in Christ: This past weekend Bishop Eaton attended the Sierra Pacific Synod Assembly with ELCA Vice President Carlos Pea. Throughout the assembly, we will use a Guidebook App to send information, share documents, and stay up-to-date. A second June 6, 2022 Update: I just received notice that Bishop Rohrer has resigned. In order to attend synod assembly as a voting member in-person, all individuals will need to provide proof of full COVID-19 vaccination. This week the Sierra Pacific Synod will hold its assembly. I have been in contact with Bishops Surez and Ortz, and have also asked our Region 4 bishops to discuss the matter next week. Bishop Eaton appointed a Listening Team to hear the concerns of those involved in this and the subsequent removal of Pastor Nelson Rabell-Gonzlez from the ELCA roster by not granting him on-leave-from-call status after the congregation he served was closed. The Listening Team also renewed its call, made at the beginning of its work some months ago, that Bishop Eaton releases its entire report to effect transparency across the ELCA. I pledge to stay on this road as long as I serve as your presiding bishop. December 12 is a huge day in Mexican-American Christianity, a day that the Virgin appeared to Juan Diego as a mestiza, a member of a new race created from the intermarriage of Spaniards, native Americans, Africans and others. Join us via Zoom for Budget Hearings, Resolutions Hearings, Trainings for using Guidebook, Trainings for Roberts Rules of Order, and much more. Statement from the ELCA Listening Team (May 28) At the election, it was announced that allegations of misconduct were underway . Hazel Salazar-Davidson, Sierra Pacific Synod Assistant to the Bishop has written extensively. Bishop of the Texas Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod, of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. "The Bishop continually reminded the staff that they the bishop should make all the decisions and did not need consultation," the report read. Descriptions: On Thursday, June 2nd during the Assembly we'll host an evening fundraiser for Sierra Pacific Outdoors! We remain committed to praying for this church. Silence all too often benefits those in power. There was tremendous anger and grief as one can imagine. Bishop Rohrer actually led their synod assembly this past week, and a vote of confidence was taken and it showed the bishop had 56% of the assembled persons support to continue. Whats Going on in the Sierra PacificSynod? Rather than interpret these, Ill let them speak. We welcome you to experience this church right in your community. We have not had to remove any pastors. 7241 Germantown Avenue Presiding Bishop Eaton posted this on January 6: On the Feast of the Virgin of Guadalupe this year,Misin Latina Luteranawas informed that its pastors call had been ended. The journey will be long. In herreport released Friday, May 27, Bishop Eaton said that while she did not see the need for formal disciplinary charges, there remain enough serious concerns that influence Bishop Rohrers ability to remain impactful in their role that I have asked Bishop Rohrer for their resignation, which I believe to be in the best interest of all parties involved. (Read the full report here. Margaret Payne, retired bishop of the New England Synod, The Rev. June 6, 2022 Update: The Conference of Bishops met last night, Sunday evening, June 5; Bishop Megan Rohrer chose not to attend. ), Over the weekend, the three members of the Listening Team took the unusual step of issuingtheir own public statement, lamenting that the presiding bishops report totally disregard the heart and intent of our report. Nelson Rabell-Gonzalez and the community formerly known as Misin Latina Luterana, and for the entire ELCA as together we work to expunge racism from our systems and procedures. There is no way forward for a bishop to lead when more than half the assembly are calling for removal. Mark said it was "entirely appropriate we acknowledge the breadth and depth of the service Jenny has given the whole Church over more than four decades since ordination". The 2022 ELCA Churchwide Assembly met Aug. 8-12 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, Ohio. -. June 2, 2022. We believe Bishop Rohrer can continue to be effective in their role as Bishop of the Sierra Pacific Synod. "It was heartbreaking, yet necessary as the synod considered the well-being of that community and those it serves," the statement read. We invite you to book your hotel room. This and many subsequent statements can be read here. I am grateful for the bishops decision to increase transparency around this troubling situation and to allow the voices of the Community (formerly known as Misin Latina Luterana) to be heard through the Teams work and words. In 2022 the Conference of Bishops will begin cultural competency training. In particular, the release of the full report from the Listening Team, appointed by Presiding Bishop Eaton in consultation with the Latin community and Bishop Rohrer of the Sierra . Bishop Eaton is in attendance st the Sierra Pacific Synod Assembly and Vice President Carlos Pea (member at First Galveston) is doing an admirable job as churchwide representative. Reporting to the Bishop, the Director of Finance will oversee the incoming and outgoing finances of the Sierra Pacific Synod, including supervising financial staff related to, accounting, and finance best practices, nonprofit . Leaders knew that sharing this information with the assembly could affect the outcome, but not sharing it would be considered a breach of trust with the assembly should he be elected. The Minute was introduced by Synod General Secretary Rev Dr Mark Lawrence and Assembly President Rev Sharon Hollis, both are long-term colleagues of Jenny. Bishop Rohrer has not stepped down per Presiding Bishop Bishop Eatons request. Known as the church of "God's work. I want to share with you a brief summary from the Conference of Bishops meeting last (Sunday) night: The Conference of Bishops met Sunday evening; Bishop Megan Rohrer chose not to attend. 33 votes ( born 1980 ) is an American Lutheran sierra pacific synod assembly 2022 and activist subsequent statements can be read here over... Of us listening team noted that the Sierra Pacific Synod Office resides on the outside find it difficult respond. Dear friends in Christ: this past weekend Bishop Eaton will provide updates appropriate... 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