Girova et al. Optimisation of treatment conditions for reducing Shewanella putrefaciens and Salmonella Typhimurium on grass carp treated by thermoultrasound-assisted plasma functionalized buffer Ultrason Sonochem , 76 ( 2021 ) , Article 105609 , 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2021.105609 Clove water extract was the most effective among all the water extracts with the MIC ranging from 0.1% to 0.2%. Appl Phys Lett. Moreover, S. aureus was the most sensitive strain to cinnamon hydrosol, while P. aeruginosa was the least sensitive strain. Google Scholar. Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces. Study on the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of, Diao W.R., Zhang L.L., Feng S.S., Xu J.G. Kolahalam LA, Viswanath IVK, Diwakar BS, Govindh B, Reddy V, Murthy YLN. J Phys D Appl Phys. Biotechnol Lett. Preservatives are substances that are capable of inhibiting or retarding the growth of microorganisms. The vegetative cells of the bacilli are readily destroyed by pasteurisation and it is the spore form of the organism which is heat stable. Nanomed Nanotechnol Biol Med. Environmental Microbiology, 2021, 23(2): 1115-1129. Chemical Engineering Journal | Vol 450, Part 4, 15 December 2022 Psychrotrophic bacteria are those that can grow at temperatures equal to or lower than 7C, independently from the optimal growth temperature, causing spoilage due to the action of their enzymes. Effect of interparticle interaction on the low temperature oxidation of CO over size-selected Au nanocatalysts supported on ultrathin TiC films. Superparamagnetism was long believed to form only in small ferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic NPs [88], but interestingly, other paramagnetic materials show magnetism in the nanoscale too [81]. Sci Total Environ. J Phys Chem B. Chemical composition, antibacterial activity and mechanism of action of essential oil from seeds of fennel (, Park J.S., Baek H.H., Bai D.H., Oh T.K., Lee C.H. Healy JJ, De Groot JJ, Kestin J. Prepoured spirit blue agar is prepared and 0.1, For yeast and mould counts, standard methods agar supplemented with antibiotics (chlortetracycline hydrochloride and chloramphenicol), potato dextrose agar and dichloranrose bengalchloramphenicol (DRBC) agar can be used. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) of some synthesized metal oxide nanoparticles. The structural characterization of Pd NPs produced by Garcinia pedunculata Roxb leaf extract by XRD showed the distinct peaks of Pd, however, three other peaks were also observed at 2 of 34.22, 55.72, and 86.38, indicating the presence of PdO phases along with Pd NPs [157]. Vol 214, Part 4, November 2022 - ScienceDirect Basil extract 100% inhibited aerial mycelium of all tested Fusarium spp. Expert Opin Drug Deliv. Magnetotactic bacteria and magnetofossils: ecology, evolution and environmental implications. Sahin S., Oran S., Sahinturk P., Demir C., Ozturk S. Fazeli M.R., Amin G., Attari M., Ashtiani H., Jamalifar H., Samadi N. Antimicrobial activities of Iranian sumac and avishan-e shirazi. High Energy Chem. [62] evaluated and compared the antimicrobial activities of the infusion, decoction, and hydroalcoholic extracts prepared from thyme against S. aureus, S. epidermidis, E. coli, Klebsiella spp., P. aeruginosa, Enterobacter aerogenes (E. aerogenes), Proteus vulgaris (P. vulgaris), and Enterobacter sakazakii (E. sakazakii) using the disc diffusion halo test. Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 2009, 32(5): 342-350. Oregano extract showed the best antibacterial effects on two bacteria compared with three other spice extracts, and B. subtilis showed more sensitivity than E. coli. This makes the batteries store a significantly higher amount of energy compared to traditional batteries. Chemical composition, antifungal, antioxidant and sprout suppressant activities of coriander (. The second peak (at 159C) shows that the thermal decomposition of the sample happens at this temperature. In summary, the psychrotrophic thermoduric floras of milk are able to survive pasteurisation, can subsequently grow in product and also possess the extracellular enzyme activity necessary to induce spoilage. 2005;7(4):54553. Study of the antibacterial activity of chitosan-based films prepared with different molecular weights including spices essential oils and functional extracts as antimicrobial agents. Therefore, these spices could be used to decrease the possibility of food poisoning and spoilage, to increase the food safety and shelf-life of products, and to treat some infectious diseases. (2021). Some Pseudomonas strains have been demonstrated to produce more than one lipase: the lipB gene encodes a secreted lipase that is solely responsible for the lipolytic phenotype of P. fluorescens strain C9, whereas lipA activity can only be detected intra-cellularly, showing an activity different from triglyceride hydrolysis (Woods et al., 2001). Coriander (, Acimovic M.G., Grahovac M.S., Stankovic J.M., Cvetkovic M.T., Masirevic S.N. The researchers found that saturation magnetisation, remnant magnetization, and coercivity have lower values when the NPs are coated with chitosan [222]. Effect of CO 2 on the spoilage potential of Shewanella putrefaciens target to flavour compounds. Vol 214, Part 4, November 2022 - ScienceDirect 1977;1. Keep out of the reach of children. Balasubramanian S, Kala SMJ, Pushparaj TL. Fig. The high water activity, low acidity (pH > 6) of fish result in the fast growth of microorganisms that leads to undesirable changes in appearance, texture, flavor, and odor, reducing its quality. Ginger and mustard EOs inhibited the growth of, Ginger extract possessed inhibitory effects on two serogroups of. EUH202 - Cyanoacrylate. Agaoglu S., Dostbil N., Alemdar S. Antimicrobial activity of some spices used in the meat industry. Mechanical properties of silica cells in bamboo measured using in situ imaging nanoindentation. Most proteinases of Pseudomonas can survive heat treatment at 149 C for 10 s and, Psychrobacter, Flavobacterium, Shewanella putrefaciens, and Alcaligenes spp. [32] Wang Y, Zhang T, Lin W, Zhang B, Cai Y, Yang C, Li JH, Xu H, Pan YX, Complete Genome Sequence of Magnetospirillum sp. I)). Thermophilic bacteria are those that can grow in milk at elevated temperatures such as that used for low-temperature, long-time pasteurization. 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[2] Lin W, Tian LX, Li JH, Pan YX, Does capillary racetrack-based enrichment reflect the diversity of uncultivated magnetotactic cocci in environmental samples?. Mechanisms of action of carvacrol on the food-borne pathogen. Biological applications of rare-earth based nanoparticles. Shewanella oneidensis MR-4. [26] Li JH#, Pei R#, Teng FF, Qiu H, Tagle R, Yan QQ, Wang Q, Chu XL, Xu X*, Micro-XRF study of the troodontid dinosaur Jianianhualong tengi reveals new biological and taphonomical signals. Kirupakar BR, Vishwanath BA, Sree MP. 2003;86(4):2119. Semicond Sci Technol. In the latter case, the layers often are: (a) The surface layer, which usually consists of a variety of small molecules, metal ions, surfactants, or polymers. In addition, the antimicrobial effects of 17 spices and herbs against Shigella strains were tested in another study [61]. Nanotechnology in agriculture: current status, challenges and future opportunities. Quantum confinement can also result in significant changes in electron affinity or the ability to accept or donate electrical charges, which is directly reflected on the catalytic properties of the material. Peptone water (0.1%) is used as a diluent, as phosphate may reduce cell recovery. [48] investigated the antibacterial effects of several EOs on 18 pathogenic bacteria and 15 spoilage bacteria by agar disc diffusion test. Download Free PDF View PDF. The plates are poured and incubated at 321C for 4872h or for 72h at 211C. Samples are spread-plated, incubated at 25C for 5 days and counted. TEM can be also used for the characterization of NP crystal structure through the use of selected area electron diffraction (SAED), where the electron beam is focused on a selected area in the sample and the scattered electrons are used to obtain a diffraction pattern. When selecting for lactobacilli, Lactobacillus selection agar and MRS (deMan, Rogosa, Sharpe) agar can be used. Only the thyme EO showed inhibition effects on all tested bacteria at all added doses. The thermal conductivity enhancement of nanofluid to base fluid was between 6 and 24% [252]. [8] Li JH, Menguy N, Gater C, Boureau V, Snoeck E, Patriarche G, Leroy E, Pan YX, Crystal growth of bullet-shaped magnetite in magnetotactic bacteria of the Nitrospirae phylum. Phillip S. Tong, Louise A. Berner, in Reference Module in Food Science, 2016. Shewanella algae and S. putrefaciens have clinical importance. Microwave assisted solvent extracts showed significant activities and. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 2015. The ancient use of nanotechnology does not stop here, in fact, there is evidence for the early use of nanotechnology processes in Mesopotamia, Ancient India, and the Maya [9, 10]. Proteolytic microorganisms can be enumerated using the skim milk agar (SMA) method. 2006;600(23):504150. J Phys Chem Solids. environments that make survival challenging such as due to extreme temperature, radiation, salinity, or pH level.. Phillips RL, Miranda OR, You C, Rotello VM, Bunz UHF. In another study, the antimicrobial activities of ethanol and aqueous-ethanol extracts of coriander were investigated against B. subtilis, S. aureus, P. vulgaris, E. coil, P. aeruginosa, K. peunomonia, L. monocytogenes, and C. albicans [131]. PubMed In vitro antibacterial activity of seven Indian spices against high level gentamicin resistant strains of enterococci. Cookies policy. J Energy Chem. Some bacteria are able to transfer their electron production via the pili on their external membrane. The antimicrobial activities of the spices mentioned above against several common microorganisms are summarized in Table 14. Silva F., Ferreira S., Queiroz J.A., Domingues F.C. As mentioned earlier, NPs can be used in a long list of applications due to their unique physical and chemical properties that do not exist in their larger-dimension counterparts of the same materials. Defects associated with the growth of these organisms in milk include development of bitter and fruity off-flavors. Can J Chem Eng. As the majority of the studies focused on the in vitro activities of spices against human pathogenic bacteria, in vivo studies and clinical trials are needed to be conducted in future. Extremophile Stefanini et al. The resulting spectrum represents a unique fingerprint of samples, where information about the nature of the sample can be obtained such as the bonds involved, polarity, and oxidation state of the sample [176, 177]. Treatment of Domestic Wastewater Using Multi-Soil-Layering (MSL) System Combined with Sand Filters. Molecules. For Ag NPs, both experimental and theorical studies on the effect of surrounding solvent show that plasmon wavelength linearly depends on the refractive index of the solvent [99, 101]. The MICs were determined by the agar dilution method with dried ground spices and herbs added to the broth and agar, and the results showed that MICs of thyme were 0.51% w/v for the Shigella strains. The antimicrobial and antioxidant activity, as well as the potential application of these active and intelligent composite films have also been revised. Applications of surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy in detection fields. Another study conducted by Wang et al. Bozin et al. --- in raw milk are killed by pasteurization, most of them produce extracellular proteinases that are extremely thermostable and can withstand high temperature short-time (HTST) (72 C for 15 s) and UHT (138 C for 2 s) treatments. Azizkhani M., Tooryan F. Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of rosemary extract, mint extract and a mixture of tocopherols in beef sausage during storage at 4C. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2021, 87(23): e01556-21. [60] Li QL, Zhou Q, Liu Y, Xiao Z, Lin Y. , Ma HX, Tang GQ, Guo S, Tang X, Yuan JY, Li J, Wu FY, Ouyang Z, Li CL, Li XH, Two billion-year-old volcanism on the Moon from ChangE-5 basalts. MICs ranged from 0.125 to 0.5 mg/mL for Gram-positive bacteria and 0.250.5 mg/mL for Gram-negative bacteria. Copyright 2022 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. Mediator-free microbial fuel cells use electrochemically active bacteria such as Shewanella putrefaciens and Aeromonas hydrophila to transfer electrons directly from the bacterial respiratory enzyme to the electrode. The World Health Organization reported that 55 million people died worldwide in 2011, with one-third of the deaths owing to infectious diseases [6]. Larger surface areas and larger surface-to-volume ratios generally increases the reactivity of nanomaterials due to the larger reaction surface [1], as well as resulting in significant effects of surface properties on their structure [17]. Chitosan and its derivatives are biodegradable polysaccharides, non-toxic and biocompatible, as well as with antimicrobial, antifungal and chelating metals properties (Aider, 2010; Bakshi, Selvakumar, Kadirvelu, & Kumar, 2020).Besides, thanks to its extraordinary film-forming properties, chitosan has been investigated for use mainly in the food, biomedical and In: 2021 IEEE 11th International conference nanomaterials: applications and properties (NAP). 2018;13(1):17. Int J Eng Sci. 2016;11(1):19. The first peak (at 44C) indicates that at this temperature the NPs face a gradual loss of water from their surface. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) defines nanoparticles as nano-objects with all external dimensions in the nanoscale, where the lengths of the longest and the shortest axes of the nano-object do not differ significantly. Bouajaj S., Benyamna A., Bouamama H., Romane A., Falconieri D., Piras A., Marongiu B. Antibacterial, allelopathic and antioxidant activities of essential oil of, Mehr H.M., Hosseini Z., Khodaparast M., Edalatian M.R. Morbidity and mortality are mainly caused by infectious diseases all over the world. The following techniques are commonly used for the analysis of NP composition, phase, crystallinity, functionalization, chemical state (oxidation), surface charge, polarity, bonding, and electrochemical properties. Zhang P, Hong RY, Chen Q, Feng WG. 2016;193:32738. Physica B + c. 1976;82(2):392408. The Innovation, 2021, 2 (3). As a consequence of each of these differences, the chemical and physical properties of nanomaterials change compared to their larger-dimension counterparts. Due to the localized surface plasmon resonance characteristics, these NPs possess unique optical and electricals properties [25]. DSC thermo-oxidative stability of red chili oleoresin microencapsulated in blended biopolymers matrices. Ferromagnetism in solid solutions of Scandium and Indium. Gujrati M, Malamas A, Shin T, Jin E, Sun Y, Lu Z-R. Multifunctional cationic lipid-based nanoparticles facilitate endosomal escape and reduction-triggered cytosolic siRNA release. Biomed Opt Express. J Am Chem Soc. Ethyl acetate, acetone and methanol extracts of 12 plant species. ASM international; 2004. Changmei L, Chaoying Z, Junqiang W, Guorong W, Mingxuan T. Research of the effect of nanometer materials on germination and growth enhancement of glycine max and its mechanism. 2018;14(10):1703145. Mater Today Proc. Then, the tip is lifted and a second scan is performed following the topography outline obtained in the first scan. Adesegun E.A., Adebayo O.S., Akintokun A.K. The indenter tip is used to make an indentation in the sample by placing incremental loads on the tip, after which the area of indentation in the sample is measured and used to calculate the hardness features [257]. Using Multi-Soil-Layering ( MSL ) System Combined with Sand Filters properties [ 25 ] are substances that are of...: current status, challenges and future opportunities and counted the antibacterial activity of seven Indian spices against level... And antimicrobial activities of coriander ( mechanisms of action of carvacrol on the food-borne pathogen nanofluid to base was... Packaging technologies involving either removal of air or the replacement of air or the replacement of air the... Of inhibiting or retarding the growth of microorganisms effect of interparticle interaction on the and... 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