Delay JavaScript execution: The recent version of WP Rocket has a feature to delay the JavaScript execution. The filter issue is still happening, and a new error appeared in the console, see: Identify the mobile hamburger menu element, which is located at the top right of the page. You may get a clue by searching for the class that's added in the element. Use the Search tab to find the scripts linked to the. You can also take advantage of the Delay JavaScript execution feature provided by WP Rocket. After mousing over the page, all the other JavaScript files then load. Not a WP Rocket customer yet? In this case, the class is. As a WordPress user, there are other useful recommendations to keep in mind. Youll perhaps have to reconsider the use of a slider at the top of your page and maybe replace it by a static image. If you want to implement the defer attribute yourself, you should first identify the JS scripts to defer and then add the defer attribute. To load the carousel products with the correct spacing without interaction: Cookie and Consent Solution for the GDPR & ePrivacy. So please update them first: Advanced Ads 1.27.0, Advanced Ads Pro 2.13.0, and Advanced Ads Tracking 2.1.0. By deferring JavaScript on your WordPress sites, the browser will load them only when the pages rendering is done. June 18, 2022 at 7:02 am #2257096. Please try again later. You can see how the JS execution time affects performance by looking at the First Input Delay metric and the Lighthouse performance score. In this example, /woocommerce-no-js/ is a good choice, since it should be specific to this script. The Combine JavaScript files feature will be disabled when using this option, to ensure scripts are loaded in the correct order. Since the TBT score accounts for 25% of the overall Lighthouse performance score, you can understand how your PageSpeed Insights score will be affected by JavaScript issues. Go to The File optimization tab and flag the Delay JavaScript execution option. Depending on your configuration, you may also need to exclude the file below, in addition to the ones above. WP Rocket's CDN option has a bug in its current version (2021.05.18. After working on a lot of sites I have started disabling delay JS in WP Rocket entirely and instead opted for the Flying Scripts plugin. Share.  . Get WP Rocket now and test your sites improvements right away! This optimization will improve the following recommendations in PageSpeed: And may improve other Core Web Vitals as well. Before submitting an issue please check that you've completed the following steps: Made sure you're on the latest version 3.10.5 Used the search feature to ensure . Please try again later. As you probably are familiar with, the shortcode with the pdf already opened (without the type=thumb) is very heavy and makes the page load slow. Save yourself time and let WP Rocket do the job for you. The Delay JavaScript Execution is an opt-in feature, so it's up to you to tell WP Rocket which inline or JavaScript files to delay. For example, you might have a website that is fast, however it will certainly have a large number of larger, high-resolution pictures. There was a problem submitting your feedback. Requires exlcuding jQuery from JavaScript deferring as well, Flying Images by WP Speed Matters Fixes images not being loaded until there is user interaction, Forminator plugin Display form without interaction. WP Rocket - delay JavaScript execution automatically delays it until user interaction (scrolling down the page, moving the mouse over the page, or even touching the screen on mobile). Loads the slider without user interaction when using Enfold's Layerslider implementation: Flatsome Theme Avoid homepage slider delay. You can also take advantage of another WP Rocket powerful feature: Load Javascript Deferred. Inline scripts: WP Rocket will get the inline JS and encode it with base64 encoding then put this encoded string in the data attribute data-rocketlazyloadscript We then use JavaScript code to detect the user interaction and then replace our data attribute data-rocketlazyloadscript with src so it will be executed. WP Rocket is one of the best-paid cache plugins for WordPress for many years. Hi. Prevents incorrect positioning of the Shape Divider on page load: When the theme's lazyload functionality is used, lazyload images without interaction. Design On the other hand, WP Rocket has an extensive set of features for file optimization, as well as caching, database cleanup, CDN integration, and a ton of other stuff. Are you looking for a way to reduce JavaScript Execution Time on your WordPress site? Parsing, compiling, and executing are the three steps you should manage to reduce the JS execution time. Note: should also be added to the Excluded JavaScript Files from Load JavaScript deferred and Minify JavaScript. Fire sliders, animations, full-width elements resizing: Prevents issues with redirect to Thank you page. You should delay JS files so that none of them will be loaded until user interaction. Once you've confirmed Delay JavaScript execution is causing the issue, you should identify if the issue is esthetic-only or if it's affecting the actual website functionality. Since minification is a time-consuming activity, and theres always the risk of missing out on something, we recommend using a plugin. \( and \{ will exclude all the inline scripts. *) and /cache/min/(. Delay JavaScript Execution was one of the major features we released when we launched WP Rocket 3.7 last year. WP Rocket Premium Plugin Free Download is the most popular paid caching plugin for WordPress. You can also find the right exclusions by following a process of elimination, as described in the following article: Resolving Issues with Minify CSS & Combine CSS. a menu, or a form that is located in the viewport, to appear. The area of pre-populated scripts in WP Rocket settings To do so, specify the keywords that identify the files to delay and WP Rocket will search for those keywords. The latest versions of Advanced Ads include automatic compatibility with Delay JS. On user interaction, our delay script either removes the fake type, or replaces it with the original one, and the browser executes all scripts. 2. To show parallax background, slideshow background and some animations instantly. The solution is a WordPress plugin called WP . Other scripts are only loaded after touching on the Menu Toggle button (a user interaction). Install the helper plugin on your site - go to Plugins > Add New > Upload plugin and select the zip file. Fires animations, sliders, mobile-specific behaviors: Load mobile menu scripts without a delay: Load Off Canvas pop-ups without user interaction: Displays content created with the FAQ shortcode: Display fusion grid gallery without delay: Avada Theme - WooCommerce Product Gallery. Hide the page pleoader without user interaction: To prevent top bar from getting overlapped with other content. The only risk youll be taking with our plugin is speeding up your website. You will find it on the File Optimization tab: If anything breaks while using this option, you can exclude files or inline scripts by adding file URLs or keywords in the "Excluded JavaScript Files" text area. To get started, you can install and activate the free plugin from This feature is not compatible with IE 11. Use the Search tab to find the linked scripts. To show the cookie banner without interaction: Cookie Notice & Compliance for GDPR / CCPA, Cookiebot | GDPR/CCPA Compliant Cookie Consent and Control. Fixes tabs when jQuery is excluded from Delay JavaScript Execution. Soledad Theme Fixes the images not being displayed because of the theme's Lazyload. The reason to use a JS script to do it, is prevent the lazy loading on Wordpress/Elementor pages, which often lazy load images and iframes. 2022. Now, when enabled, all JavaScript files are delayed. Optimizing your internet site is a recurring procedure that entails compromises. Everything in plain English! But there is some users that have been installed WP Rocket with Delay Javascript execution function enabled. Best WP Rocket Settings [2021] for Max. Then you need to exclude some scripts from delaying. In practice there is just too much that goes wrong with delaying all JS by default. Avoid using the external domain of an external script. Please see more in our Invalid patterns of exclusions article. In this article, youll first understand the impact of JavaScript execution on performance. Free Download WP Rocket v3.12.2.1 Latest Version WordPress Plugin About WP Rocket Premium Plugin v3.12.2.1 Free Download. The JavaScript will be executed when any of these interactions are detected: keydown: event is fired when a key is pressed. Start by making sure Delay JavaScript execution is the problematic feature. To preserve the display of product variation images. When the Delay JavaScript Executionfeature is enabled, images may not be displayed at all or may require a user to interact with the page for them to become visible. We have the same issue on all other wordpress websites with wp rocket 3.9.1. Youll discover how to avoid large layout shifts and fix a bad grade from mobile and desktop (Cumulative Layout Shift more than 0.25 or 0.1 s). Have in mind the jQuery file is linked to a paired exclusion with the jQuery Migrate file. If that's so, then you've made sure Delay JavaScript execution is the problematic feature. We automatically exclude Smush and EWWW's lazyload features. the mobile hamburger menu. Since there are many WOOF's files to exclude, you should merge them to avoid any possible new errors with other WOOF files. Please see our documentation for more details. Delaying any 3rd party plugins will also fix the Pagespeed "Reduce the impact of third-party" warning. Trigger the page loader and the typewriter: OceanWP theme Avoids double tap on mobile menu. a click or scroll). Above's tutorial mentions CSS but it can be applied to JavaScript as well. GitHub Before submitting an issue please check that you've completed the following steps: Made sure you're on the latest version 3.10.5 Used the search feature to ensure that the bug hasn't been reported before Describe the bug When Delay JavaS. Read our article about How to reduce JavaScript execution time and learn how to address this PageSpeed Insights recommendation with and without a plugin. Delay JavaScript Execution improves performance by delaying the loading of all JavaScript files and inline scripts until there is a user interaction (e.g. These images can make your website slower. Powered by Help Scout. Go to the File Optimization tab and enable the Minify JS files option. You can also find exclusions by focusing on the context. Not a WP Rocket customer yet? This is because when Minify JavaScript files is enabled, the script will be hosted locally, in your server. All these optimization plugin do is combine js/css files into one single file which might cause conflict with plugins/website functionality. In these cases, you need to use the console technique again. mouseover: event is fired at document (page) when a pointing device (such as a mouse or trackpad) is used to move the cursor onto it. Several plugins can help you delay JS and remove unused JS: You can also take advantage of the Delay JavaScript execution feature provided by WP Rocket. Lay Theme Start showing content on pageload. To do this, go to Settings WP Rocket File Optimization, then scroll to the Delay JavaScript execution section. Note: It's recommended to fix any pre-existent errors in Developer Tools > Console, as they might interfere with the functionality of the site and, for this matter, with the troubleshooting process. Thats why you should try to reduce the size of these JS scripts as much as possible. To prevent marking all product reviews as spam. Prevent a flicker or blank screen. *), /themes/(. WP Media Reduce JavaScript execution time Enable Delay JavaScript Execution in WP Rocket to remove or reduce this recommendation You get this Diagnostic because you have JavaScript (JS) files, loaded from your theme, plugins or from external services which are taking too much time to be executed by browsers. If this doesn't interfere with the website's regular functioning, this could be considered an esthetic-only issue. Prevents requiring double click on iOS to use filters. Also elementor widgets dynamic ooo (post grid) and many more elements are not correct shown. Async JavaScript is a free WordPress plugin from Frank Goossens, the same guy behind the popular Autoptimize plugin. Sau khi ci plugin nu gp hin tng wp-admin ti qu chm bn truy cp Ci t > WP Rocket sau vo tab PRELOAD tt ty chn active preloading tip tc n Save changes.. Ci t xong th bn vo phn dashboard ca WP Rocket nh, phn ny c . 1. Removes the preload spinner without interaction. Autoptimize is one of the best WP Rocket alternatives. In other words, all the JS scripts that are useless or not included in the above-the-page content should be loaded only after the pages rendering. Fixes the page loader (not closing) and display the main menu. Please use them with care because it can break the functionality of your site and consult your developer if you need help.