0000001410 00000 n
IMPORTANT: READ BEFORE USERead the entire Directions for Use, Conditions, Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitations of Liability before using this product. 0000002087 00000 n
Add the appropriate rate of OLYMPUS 70% WATER DISPERSIBLE GRANULAR HERBICIDE, as determined under Recommended Rates, directly to the spray tank . 110 mm 60 mm 6 52 mm 100 mm 5 5 . OLYMPUS. %PDF-1.4
Maybe you'll get different insights into olympus herbicide label here. If the container is leaking or material spilled for any reason or cause, carefully sweep material into a pile. <<78C5A78614C47B4CB285DA0F0954617A>]>>
Dispose of rinsing in accordance with provincial regulations. 264-809 EPA Est. Olympus SDS //Diversification a Winning Ticket to Weed Management in the Northern Plains, //Be Proactive to Manage Weeds in Cereals, //Lose the Baggage Limiting Foreign Material, Dockage in Wheat. Surfactant. Agitate/recirculate Try modifying your search terms. St. Louis, MO 63167 Note: Changes in labeling differing in substance from that accepted in connection with this registration must be submitted to and accepted by the Registration Division prior to use of the label in commerce. DO NOT harvest wheat for grain or straw within 71 days of application. 200 g/kg halauxifen-methyl, 200 g/kg florasulam. This product can be mixed with glyphosate containing products in a burn down application in accordance with the most restrictive of label limitations and precautions. SPRAY DRIFT MANAGEMENTOLYMPUS 70% WATER DISPERSIBLE GRANULAR HERBICIDE is not volatile. The Bayer CropScience Emergency Response Telephone No. Warning, contains the allergen milk READ THE LABEL AND BOOKLET BEFORE USING Product Information: 1-888-283-6847 Access your account profile and order history. Store in original container and out of the reach of children, preferably in a locked storage area . For weed control in dense weed canopies, use 15 or more gallons of water GUARANTEE: Propoxycarbazone-sodium . Personal Protection. Avoid use on ALS-sensitive varieties. It allows rotation to sorghum in four to 10 months, depending on soil conditions. Thidiazuron 4 SC Cotton Defoliant THIDIAZURON 66330-334. HTP=O0+`|-O1>=ww'-'OpM{WM$;4y$f-7vbd%tOvpDc
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Find out how to get the most out of your crop and the most out of your money. 0000001267 00000 n
Liberty herbicide delivers superior weed control across multiple trait systems. GUARANTEE: Propoxycarbazone-sodium . Labels / SDS Specimen Label, NVA 2019-04-191-0038 (CA) Specimen Label, NVA 2021-04-191-0227 (Not in CA) Supplemental Label, NVA 2019-04-191-0098 For Use in Vangro Canola (ID,MN,MT,ND,OR,WA) SDS, 2022/04/18 SDS, 2022/04/18 (Espaol) Read and follow the label of each tank mix product used for precautionary statements, directions for use, geographic and other restrictions. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Do not contaminate water, food, or feed by storage anddisposal.PESTICIDE STORAGE: Store in a cool, dry place and in such a manner as to prevent cross contamination with other pesticides, fertilizers, food, and feed. If OLYMPUS FLEX Herbicide is tankmixed with any other product, refer to the label of the tankmix partner for further instructions and potential restrictions (timing of application, varietal tolerance). COMPATIBILITYIf OLYMPUS 70% WATER DISPERSIBLE GRANULAR HERBICIDE is to be tank mixed with other herbicides, compatibility should be tested prior to mixing. If you can't be in the field to seed, or it's too cool to spray glyphosate, that's the time to get your Focus herbicide down. If tank mixing, always respect the maximum pre-harvest When mixing/loading or cleaning equipment, wear a chemical resistant apron in addition to the other . The requirements in this box only apply to uses of this product that . Get more from your crop and your investment with BayerPLUS. Half fill the tank with clean water and add ammonia (i.e., 3% domestic ammonia solution) at a dilution rate of 1% . This product requires the addition of an adjuvant as specified in this label. Wheat, Durum Select rate according to table "Weeds Controlled. Add the surfactant. Add the broadleaf weed herbicide.4. 0000003477 00000 n
MIXING INSTRUCTIONSEnsure the spray tank is clean. 1.0 / CDN Revision Date: 11/15/2017. Pesticide Intermediates. %%EOF
Herbicide can be applied up to one week prior to planting spring, durum and winter wheat, or immediately after planting 1-888-283-6847. Youve been geo-located to Saskatchewan. PMRA Approved Label 2016-1866 2017-06-22 . Flush tank, boom, and hoses with clean water. Clearpath herbicide, as part of the Clearfield Production System for rice, combines the proven control of Newpath herbicide and Facet herbicide into one convenient premix, making it easier than ever to protect your crop from weeds like red rice, barnyardgrass, broadleaf signalgrass, and many more yield-robbing weeds. No label dosage rates should be exceeded. With fast, effective and long-lasting residual activity, Reflex offers pre- and post-emergence management of difficult weeds such as glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth and ALS-resistant pigweed, grass and sedges. xb```"|cb 3
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8\T2E)12vabcp1g Based on your location, this is the Bayer representative we recommended for you. Supplemental Label - 3 States Or Territories - CHEMIGATION FOR USE ON DRY BEAN FOR WEED SU. Degree of translocation 0000001058 00000 n
If you prefer, you can change it below, For support with Residential applications of Roundup, please contact Scotts at 1-888-270-3714. Olympus Label Indications of incompatibility include separation in the mix, and either clumping or clabbering of the mixture. EPA Registration 264-833 Olympus Flex Herbicide The Registration Division (RD) has conducted a review of this request for applicability under PRN 2007-4 and finds that the label change(s) requested falls within the scope of PRN-2007-4. Flagmen and loaders should avoid inhalation of spray mist and prolonged contact with skin. August 2022 by. . Select rate according to table Weeds controlled. Do not exceed a product application rate of 0.9 oz per acre or 0.039 lb propoxycarbazone active ingredient per spring wheat growing season. GROUP 14 HERBICIDE Manufactured For: Willowood, LLC 385 Interlocken Crescent, Suite #240 Broomfield, CO 80021 Net Contents: 2.5 Gallons, 265 Gallons. This . And you get more rotational flexibility than with most winter wheat herbicides. If OLYMPUS'" FLEX Herbicide is tankmixed with any other product, refer to the label of the tankmix partner for further instructions and potential restrictions (timing of application, varietal tolerance). Do not exceed a product application rate of 0.4 oz per acre or 0 .0175 lb propoxycarbazone active ingredient per acre in a spring wheat-growing season.Apply OLYMPUS 70% WATER DISPERSIBLE GRANULAR HERBICIDE before jointing begins to avoid crop injury. Get the weed control you need, even in cooler conditions, with no-recropping restrictions. A flexible mix partner for tailored weed control in wheat and barley, containing the active constituent: 50 g/L florasulam. NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: No specic antidote is available. Maintain sufficient agitation during both mixing and application of OLYMPUS 70% WATER DISPERSIBLE GRANULAR HERBICIDE. Maintain sufficient agitation during both mixing and application. Fill the spray tank with balance of water needed.6. Herbicide. Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor or going for treatment. 0000003115 00000 n
Get the weed control you need, even in cooler conditions, with no-recropping restrictions. Bayer Global; . active ingredient: tribenuron-methyl 50% Either ground or aerial (fixed wing or helicopter) application equipment may be used to apply OLYMPUS 70% WATER DISPERSIBLE GRANULAR HERBICIDE as a foliar spray. The label has been date-stamped "Notification" and will be placed in our records. A recommended adjuvant must be Wheat forage may be grazed immediately after OLYMPUS 70% WATER DISPERSIBLE GRANULAR HERBICIDE application. Document Downloads. Easily tank mixes with liquid fertilizer and other herbicides, fungicides or insecticides. Top Deck Aquatic Herbicide IMAZAMOX 70506-355. HWmoHi0~Nb'N1
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Plus, access your cart from any device. From seed to harvest, Bayer is your trusted source for whole farm, tailored crop solutions. Use this product only in accordance with its labeling and with the Worker Protection Standard, 40 CFR part 170. See the Spray Drift Management section of this label for additional information on proper application of OLYMPUS Herbicide. Teton Aquatic Algicide and Herbicide ENDOTHALL 70506-175. 0000001957 00000 n
PowerFlex HL herbicide is a high-load formulation that delivers the same powerful cross-spectrum control as PowerFlex herbicide against stubborn grass and broadleaf weeds, with excellent crop safety. SURFACTANTS OLYMPUS FLEX Herbicide is a water dispersible granule that does not include an adjuvant. Booklet label . 5. Drain the tank completely, and then wash out tank, boom and hoses with clean water. 0000003191 00000 n
instructions on the tank mix partner label conflicts with this FINESSE herbicide label, DO NOT use in a tank mixture with FINESSE herbicide. 0000002835 00000 n
Applicable States: CO, OR, WA. APPLICATIONMost consistent control is obtained with ground application. Indications of incompatibility usually occur within 5-15 minutes after mixing. Olympus 70% Water Dispersible Granular Herbicide EPA # 0000264-00809-AA-0000000 States Registered Small amounts of OLYMPUS 70% WATER DISPERSIBLE GRANULAR HERBICIDE via drift or tank contamination can cause severe damage to crops other than wheat. If youve got questions, weve got answers. RESTRICTIONS FOR USEDo not apply OLYMPUS 70% WATER DISPERSIBLE GRANULAR HERBICIDE to crops undersown with grass and legume species.Do not apply more than 1.2 oz/acre of OLYMPUS 70% WATER DISPERSIBLE GRANULAR HERBICIDE in one wheat-growing season.Do not apply when wind causes drift to off-site vegetation as injury may occur. DO NOT use raindrop nozzles. Inspect nozzles and screens and remove visible Olympus Herbicide Label & MSDS. Liberty Herbicide. Plant Growth Regulators. 4. It can be applied from the 4th leaf stage of wheat until the flag leaf stage but Dow recommends that it is applied . GROUNDWATER ADVISORY Sulfentrazone is known to leach through soil into groundwater when this product is used under certain conditions, especially Postemergence timing for wheat is from 2-leaf to before jointing begins. In-line strainers and nozzle screens should be clean and 50 mesh or coarser.1. Effective against yield-robbing broadleaf weeds, Orion herbicide offers superior rotational crop flexibility and simplifies broadleaf weed control. Tank mixing Olympus herbicide with your pre-seed Roundup application and following it with an in-season application of Varro or Velocity m3 herbicide provides exceptional control of flushing foxtail barley, downy and Japanese brome in your wheat. Move to fresh air. trailer
is 1-800-334-7577.PESTICIDE DISPOSAL: Wastes resulting from the use of this product may be disposed of on site or at an approved waste disposal facility. Do not walk through spilled material . A recommended adjuvant must be Give your crops every advantage with the most effective herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides from Wilbur-Ellis. Select spray volume to ensure optimum plant coverage . Its single use rate keeps weed control simple in wheat and barley, and its tank-mix flexibility with other herbicides broadens the weed control spectrum to meet field needs. Because it requires 15 to 25 mm of rain of activation, the product can be applied early in the season to mazimize the chance of moisture activation. instructions and exceptions pertaining to the statements on this label about personal protective equipment (PPE), and restricted-entry interval. OLYMPUS. Tank Mix List. Olympus is a cost-efficient, effective power-up herbicide for grass control in spring and winter wheat. to the label of the tank-mix partner for further instructions and potential restrictions (timing of application, varietal tolerance). Ally XP herbicide may be used as a fallow treatment in spring or fall when the majority of weeds have emerged and are actively growing. Add the appropriate rate of OLYMPUS 70% WATER DISPERSIBLE GRANULAR HERBICIDE, as determined under "Recommended Rates", directly to the spray tank . Amphoteric Surfactants. 51 0 obj <>
For a complete list of registered and Bayer supported tank mixes, please see: Tank Mix List, Click to download: By clicking below, this sales rep will be remembered on this website as your preferred contact. 0000015761 00000 n
Wheat, Spring and flush through boom and hoses. 51 20
. Fill the spray tank 1/4 to 1/2 full with clean water and begin agitation or bypass.2. but prior to crop emergence. To test for compatibility, use a small container and mix a small amount (0.5 to 1qt) of spray solution, combining all ingredients in the same ratio as the anticipated use. Please ensure this is representative of where your farm resides. Apply OLYMPUS 70% WATER DISPERSIBLE GRANULAR HERBICIDE before jointing begins to avoid crop injury. Its everything you need to know, all in one quick, easy to access place. Topsin M WSB Fungicide THIOPHANATE-METHYL . Maintain sufficient agitation during both mixing and application.3. The following procedures are recommended: As one of the only companies who can offer a complete lineup of cereal protection products and program savings, Bayer allows you to harness the full potential of your crop. View labels, MSDS, and other safety information for Olympus Herbicide, which delivers selective control of grasses and broadleaf weeds in winter wheat. 0000001138 00000 n
Warning, contains the allergen milk READ THE LABEL AND BOOKLET BEFORE USING Product Information: 1-888-283-6847 Register for a Bayer Crop Science account today for faster checkout, access to purchase history and more. Olympus 70% Water Dispersible Granular Herbicide Product label Group 2 Herbicide Active Ingredient Propoxycarbazone-sodium (70 %) Free Shipping over $5,000 0% Financing** Direct to Farm Delivery Product details Resources Label Safety Data Sheet Price Transparency Become a Member to See What Other Farmers Are Paying for Inputs Reflex Herbicide. 0000015990 00000 n
Treat the patient symptomatically. "A fall application of OLYMPUS 70% WATER DISPERSIBLE GRANULAR HERBICIDE may be followed by a spring application of the product up to a maximum of 1.2 oz per acre OLYMPUS 70% WATER DISPERSIBLE GRANULAR HERBICIDE per crop year.Apply OLYMPUS 70% WATER DISPERSIBLE GRANULAR HERBICIDE before jointing begins to avoid crop injury. soluble granules commercial read the label and attached booklet before using net contents: 120 grams - 20 kg registration no. This product cannot be mixed with any product containing a label prohibition against such mixing. INFORMATIONOLYMPUS 70% WATER DISPERSIBLE GRANULAR HERBICIDE is a selective pre-plant, pre-emergence and postemergence herbicide for use in spring, durum, winter wheat and triticale. Calibrate spray equipment before use.The use of nozzles and spray pressure that deliver Coarse spray droplets as indicated in the nozzle manufacturers catalogs and in accordance with ASAE Standard S-572 are highly recommended for optimum spray coverage and canopy penetration. Readily absorbed Readily absorbed by plants through the root system, translocated upward and distributed into the entire plant.