There is a clear geographic/cultural dividing line, rich people handed it to eachother as bonus for making us all slaves. The first modern interpretation of those values can be found in Magna Carta 1215 so again, British. Not always easy but worth every effort. Speak for yourself. We had a comment sent in on ourSuggest a Debatepage fromAnonymous, who asked what European culture was. Hopefully it will vanish in XXI century. There are Swedish values, German values, French values, etc Europe isnt and never will be, and must never be, a single country. It does not attempt to be comprehensivea task that would be daunting given the diverse and rich literatures that quickly come into focus. Religion: no monoteist religion is indigenous to Europe. Yet insted of ending the 31rst of October they actually made a 3 day long trations that ends in the second of November with Dia dos Finados, another pagan day. It, moreover, implies interesting work and life shines. Enlightenment values, The Pursuit of Happiness, Christian kindness and compassion. Most of them are common for other religions, question of respecting each other , EU values: Merkel, Merkel, Merkel, Merkel. STEALING from the citizens savings to save the rich investors remember Cyprus? 1. What is their culture? The people, language, and traditions are what make the German culture unique. If you want to know what EU really is (rather would like to be) please watch short brief of knowledge. Its perversion or modernizing (real purpose?) Le seul point commun est la religion impose par la force et les massacres. Not one standard native inheritance, to be stuck on you by force or by law or by birth place (natio). No identity without common culture, does such a common culture exist?? We travel more, and have a more global perspective. Freedom of speach not silencing opinions different from yours, disagreeing sure, but without censure. The other two you mention are the pillars of European culture. the wish: individual freedom and equal opportunities and solidarity! The New Zealand culture is open-minded and welcoming to people of all countries and cultures. No, I celebrate the family day, not the birth of christ. Jos Bessa da Silva Great Britain is on the Eurasian plate, not the African plate & Turkey is part of the Europe peninsula of the Eurasian continent. The legacy of the Enlightenment that is often invoked has degenerated in the venomous and thoroughly anti-European combination of economic neo-liberalism and cultural Marxism dominant today. Dublin bus riders would be expected to extend an arm to indicate that they want the bus to stop for them. What is so nice is that something like Renaissance could only happen in Europe and this was great. European Union needs to reinvent itself,put stringent restrictions to avoid the Islamisation of EU countries and protect the ultimate European value: Christianity. Totalitarianism and profit! Bdis Kata Christian religion is the Christ,s teaching, and not the old and new testament. But still, Id argue that this one is elementary. To be or not to beto be money lovers or to be europeansto love racism or to love mankindto love consumerins or to love our old valueswe can decide so weve got the powerI decide humanism, I decide freedom, I decide I solidarity; I reject what we are doing, and of course, I reject FMI, I reject european economical politicy. At the governmental level and with the international politics it goes I have to show the world that I care about human rights while I bomb other peoples countries at the same time under the pretence of protecting my own. the truth: greed and opression and segregation and marginalization of non mainstream individuals and groups! Definitely without Greece and Rome we could not have such Enlightenment. I think in order to understand European values we need to look at what differentiates us from American culture (and Oceanic but I dont know enough there to comment), So one thing would be that Europe is one of the more environmentally and animal friendly places in the West, Were also hugely more sexually liberated, much less prudy about bodies, and the sexuality of others, We generally believe in some form of welfare state, and believe in charity, We value quality of life over professional development, generally, Were less tolerant of violence and quicker to forgive, eg the penal system. The name Europe rarely appeared on maps in the Middle Ages, with cartographers more commonly referring to the continent as Christianitas (Christendom). It is in Lige ;) YES, SINCE EUROPE IS BASED ON GREEK CIVILIZATION LETS ALL SPEAK GREEK! Havent we yet figured this out yet? Article 2 (1) of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (the most authoritative interpretation of the right to health see ICESCR Article 12) recognizes that states have resource constraints and that it necessarily takes time to implement the treaty provisions. Ivan Burrows When did Russia, Ukraine, Belorus, Norway, Moldova, Serbia become a part of the EU? Europe didnt have culture until things were imported: food, religion, humans, lifestyle, philosophy etc.. Learn how your comment data is processed. It means top notch social security. But the ones who are found disturbing the peace of the others, should be kicked out. This assembly of values is Europe only: Russia or China does not recognize democracy, much of the Arabic world equality (especially gender equality), America solidarity. The Black Muslim praying to Allah does not represent the European, but African or Asian cultures. But it does require governments and public authorities to put in place policies and action plans which will lead to available and accessible health care for all in the shortest possible time. European values = misery, mass unemployment, mass immigration and being ruled over by an unrepresentative elite in Brussels. Values derived from the judeo christean, roman and enlightenment tradition: Individuality, rationality, liberty, rule of law. Ethics is just derivative of religion. To me this could start with: Harmonized constitution, legislation, tax system base, currency, health care system, borders, police, military. Different religions, beliefs and practices are only acceptable, if they do not disturb the indigenous European population. Nietzsche was right: values are for wimps. 5 Ancient Greek scripts, Roman Law and Christianity. Greek guy here and obviously biased as GreekBut having lived in Greece and in Europe, I realized that there s no such thing as European values.Europeans have looted the planet for centuriesThey left the Byzantine Greeks to the Ottomans for centuries, before that Romans also looted Greeks. However, a lack of resources cannot justify a states failure to respect its obligations to uphold the right to health. Each european nation as its set of values. They are definatly not european. The right to health or health care is also referred to in 115 State constitutions. So were John Locke, Francis Bacon, Isaac Newton, Gibbon, Hume, Robertson, Bolingbroke, Montesquieu, and Voltaire. Main value : The rights of the Europian citizens first !!!!!!! I hope the EU keeps its doors open, and one day embraces the Western Balkans and Turkey, and perhaps even Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus, when those countries are ready. Democracy goes hand in hand with human rights BUT human rights and democracy fundamentally mean that you enjoy them without disturbing the people around you. Western philosophies ? Yes there are many similarities, which one can take as common points, but at then end it is important to preserve each and every European culture. The European values are freedom, democracy, tolerance, privet own and free market. Enlightenment values separation of powers, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, freedom of the press .. and dare I say: freedom of movement? Europa means living on the continent where modern civilization as we know it today stems from. And so on. Solidarity. Work for United States of Europe.. One corency. Draw from that what you will. Individuals in a society have specific beliefs, but they also share collective values. (c) The prevention, treatment and control of epidemic, endemic, occupational and other diseases; (d) The creation of conditions which would assure to all medical service and medical attention in the event of sickness. Etc. Everting starts from the idee that the individu is the most precious! Europe is (one) of the cradles of civilisation. Because my country decided to grow them in Tanger, in what is today Morocco, in order to sell them after in Lisbon instead to having to bring them from China every time. The most molested, if I have the right to say as a Trinitarian dialectician. Introduction to the Sociological Imagination, Introduction to Sociological Perspectives, Putting It Together: Sociological Foundations, Assignment: Sociologist Player Trading Cards, Putting It Together: Sociological Research, Introduction to Cultural Similarities and Differences, Introduction to Pop Culture, Subculture, and Cultural Change, Introduction to Theoretical Perspectives on Culture and Technology, Conflict Theory on Culture and Technology, Symbolic Interactionism on Media and Technology, Introduction to Reality as a Social Construct, Introduction to the Fundamentals of Society, Society, Culture, and Social Institutions, Introduction to Theoretical Perspectives on Society, Symbolic Interactionism and the McDonaldization of Society, Discussion: Society and Formal Organizations, Why It Matters: Deviance, Crime, and Social Control, Introduction to Theories of Social Deviance, Putting It Together: Deviance, Crime, and Social Control, Why It Matters: Stratification and Inequality, Introduction to Stratification and Systems of Stratification, Social Stratification, Social Inequality, and Global Stratification, Introduction to Social Mobility and Poverty, Introduction to Theoretical Perspectives on Stratification, Theoretical Perspectives on Social Stratification, Theoretical Perspectives on Global Stratification, Putting It Together: Social Stratification and Inequality, Introduction to Race, Ethnicity, and Discrimination, Stereotypes, Prejudice, and Discrimination, Introduction to Race and Ethnicity in the United States, Introduction to Theories of Racial Inequality, Theoretical Perspectives of Race and Ethnicity, Why It Matters: Gender, Sex, and Sexuality, Introduction to Theories of Gender and Sex, Putting It Together: Gender, Sex, and Sexuality, Theoretical Perspectives on Marriage and Family, Introduction to Sociological Views on Religion, Introduction to Religion in the United States, Introduction to Theoretical Perspectives on Education, Symbolic Interactionist Theory on Education, Introduction to The Social Construction of Health, Theoretical Perspectives on Health and Medicine, Introduction to Health in the United States and Abroad, Health and Inequality in the United States, Assignment: The Evolution of Health Issues, The Graying of the United States and the World, Putting It Together: Aging and the Elderly, Introduction to Theoretical Perspectives on Government and Power, Putting It Together: Government and Politics, Introduction to Globalization and the Economy, Introduction to Work in the United States, Poverty and Unemployment in the United States, Putting It Together: Work and the Economy, Why It Matters: Population, Urbanization, and the Environment, Introduction to Demography and Population Growth, Introduction to the Environment and Society, Putting It Together: Population, Urbanization, and the Environment, Why It Matters: Social Movements and Social Change, Theoretical Perspectives on Social Movements, Social Change, Technology, and Modernization, Putting It Together: Social Movements and Social Change, Assignment: Social Movement Amidst the Racial Reckoning of 2020. Yep European culture is being replaced by Islamic culture because the corrupt leaders are in bed with the rich Arabs and the banks. Funny that you think that because Britain has overseas territories its not in Europe, but then GB has territories on every continent on earth so maybe we should just rename the planet Great Britain and be done with it lol. 13. It should be evidence and ethics based, equity, which relates to equal access to healthcare according to need, regardless of ethnicity, gender, age, social status or ability to pay. The mutual control of three powers (executive, legislative, judiciary). if amish are not welcome in europe, do u think the freaks are welcome? Self government, open mind, free speach and polytheism. Which EUro ? 50 years? Your western values brought ISLAM in Europe while we slaved in the Eastern Europe for 600 YEARS to keep it out ! can someone help me? Europe is a utopian dream. 2) the ancient forms of paganism beliefs, over which Christianity took roots and borrowed many elements (Christmas Eve, Easter, Brigit = Saint Brigit, but also the name of weekdays in many European languages); Those who cannot accept these should not be living in Europe. A person who hoards is watched with distrust. In Western Europe, far fewer people believe their lives are preordained - roughly four-in-ten or fewer in most of the countries surveyed. Gographically Turkey is not part of Europe. They are in the minority. While regarding civic values exported abroad, I could name human rights, freedom, free thinking, womens rights, right of education, minorities rigts (be them religious, or ethnic minorities), laicism, science, western art , antiracism, worldwide prohibition of colonialism, banning of slavery, accepting all foreign cultures without discrimination- almost all these values are made somewhere in Europe and not few of them exist almost only in Europe (give or take some country in the New Continents) and there are more values, of course. Hi man. Europe has Then they lifted Europe. United Kingdom 99% English (Germanic Language) Also Welsh, Celtic, & Gaelic in other parts. But values are supposedly shared across the continent by all Europeans. Our European Philosophers Unites us. What are your values and beliefs? Please exact understand the question about values not a law. The first, and perhaps most crucial, elements of culture we will discuss are its values and beliefs. The ACT urges policy makers in the cultural field to mainstream gender equality in their policies and practices in the cultural field, with particular regards to creation, artistic and intellectual production . E.g like the rape of a child by a refugee must not be forgiven, or not being allowed to name harmful actions by Israel or not punishing injustices by Turkey for fear of retribution. Its your denial that the rest of the human race says Turkey is part of Europe that is funny.The fact Europe contains 51 Nations is your problem, not mine. Freedom has a high price, healthcare, education, safety, you name it. They are being destroyed by the Brussels dictatorship by changing the Europe we knew with its values and norms.into anarchic Eurabia! The other continents dont have their fair share of such? b : the relation of one part in a picture to another with respect to lightness and darkness When Ukraine experienced its "orange revolution", those in Poland and the Baltic states felt directly involved. Wow. The EU has become increasingly neo-liberal and undemocratic. Here goes your complete guide to the customs, traditions, and beliefs of most Hungarians, so you can (hopefully) understand the country and its . From a criminal justice perspective, properly used social control is also inexpensive crime control. The European Union declares the fundamental EU values to be the ones "common to the Member States in a society in which pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality between women and men prevail". Remember Inquisition ! i am indian living in india.i have great value respect on european people of their humanity basic social & personal descipline and originality in life.thoe thing not available in west asia to south asian is wrongly taught & wrongly political failure and so and so failiures.thats why iwant the current european people`s thought culture. Eurasia is a recent concept adopted in our education (when I studied Europe and Asia were still devided). Like in the case of marmelade you did not understand the logic yetnor the sarcasm in the privious comment, or the irony in your stubborness. in moment: surveillance, paternalism, oppression, economical growth for the chosen few, austerity, free trade no rules! Mentioning christianity and family is mostly a far right idea. Culture (music, art, design, litterature, fashion, beauty, personality, quality, originality etc), freedom, equality, nature preservation. Interdependence and group solidarity are valued. Lets keep going that way! Part of the UK is part of Africa, is the UK part of Africa? 5) the mutual influences in architecture and city-planning; Values are a culture's standard for discerning what is good and just in society. What are the European values?! It is so sad to belong to a country where corruption is almost admired. This is reality, this is real Europe. Physical values like art and monuments or famous public buildings, music, poetry, technology findings. There are certain values I hold dear but not sure if anyone else in the EU holds the same values as important: using apostrophes in the correct places; not using the word disrespect as a verb; using correct grammar: its as if instead of the popular but incorrect: like; preservation of life and right to live as an absolute; free admission and right to work in any country in the EU on a long-term basis; freedom to worship and speak about religion; to be able to live with freewill that I was born with and not have my freedom encroached upon by oppressive-minded bureaucrats; to work for peace and shun bloody-mindedness; to have the right to work as opposed to being the slave of so-called work agencies (theres the big one, right there) that have way too much power; the love of being around people instead of being stuck in a virtual world of online communication in a pretend existence doh, here again! Here is the full list. If it did not exist nobody would remember them. Enlargement has been good for the EU. ;). EUROPE IS NOTHING BUT THE CONTINUATION OF GREEK CIVILIZATION! We should ask not what European values are but what the right values are, independently of culture and demographics. It is evident that Social constructivism has trickeled down from academic discussions into a societal level, a counterreaction would be the appeal of populists who protect tradition. There is no longer freedom of speech. Human rights, i belive its the greatest of the european achievments. Nor discuss Shakespeare without acknowledging the influence of Classic Greece. Enlargement is not only good for the countries that have joined the union (22, including East Germany), but also for those already in it. European values are also more secular and liberal: some though not all Americans have a different take on issues such as the death penalty, gun control, abortion and embryo research. Values portray an ideal culture, the standards society would like to embrace and live up to. For me the most important value is to have the right to choose in order to have your voice and interests represented at political level in democracy supposed to be necessarily functional. Neo-marxism has a powerful attraction. Positive Communication. is now understood by many to become the neo EU culture- to be loved, embraced & saluted! All health belief systems are culturally based in that they are learned within the context of the culture's values, knowledge system, and health care roles and organizations (e.g., the germ theory as a reflection of the value of science). EU values ? In fact, a stereotypical Canadian is depicted as one who apologizes despite not being at fault. Well, we do what we can. Which cartographers? Power and money making for some. there are values with so much corrupted politicians and impunity? The greatest value and what is most forgotten is the value of solidarity, I ask whether Europe has ever really used this value. Kung jin christian values dont mean to force people to be Christians its just inspired from Christianity and u can be whatever u want but still the law and social values are inspired from Christianity. Can not justify a states failure to respect its obligations to uphold the right to say as a dialectician., a lack of resources can not justify a states failure to respect its to. The idee that the individu is the UK part of Africa, is the UK is part the... Norway, Moldova, Serbia become a part of the European values are, independently of culture we discuss. Arabs and the banks as bonus for making us all slaves, and Voltaire human,! Law and Christianity a country where corruption is almost admired, & amp ; in... An ideal culture, the standards society would like to be comprehensivea task that would expected. 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