(For a walkthrough of the "Simple" functions, take a look back at step 4.) I will test the voltage you mentioned during the next days. For example, if you generate and save a custom signal while in "Basic", you can then select that same signal from the type menu for "Simple", "Modulation", etc. Digital signals can be described as being either "high" or "low" at any given time (or on and off). Best Regards. WaveForms automatically, and seamlessly, programs the Discovery's FPGA at start-up. Could you provide me the Figure 19 . By un-checking the box, the Wavegen will automatically output the chosen waveform for the set number of cycles without the need of additional trigger instances. "Frequency" lets you determine the frequency of your output signal. FFT window for PWM (Patterns 1) in WaveForms Workspace 1. A refresh button option has been added so you can connect a device after starting the GUI Main.vi. Place a ground connection at the capacitor node that is not connected to the resistor and your hardware is all set up! The signal is idle until triggered, at which point it enters the first wait time at -0.6 ms, waits for 500 s, then completes that first cycle at 1.9 ms. For pin details refer to the Analog Discovery pinout. "File" lets you open a New Wavegen instance, Open or Save a project, or Export the current Wavegen data, either as an image or as a raw data file, formatted in *.csv, *.txt, or *.tdms, which is specific to National Instruments. Analog Discovery 2 USB Oscilloscope Software The Analog Discovery 2 offers lots of available scope options, and it's easy to zoom in on certain parts of the waveform STM32 DAC can also be used for many other analog purposes, such as analog waveform generation and control engineering. You'll see your previous sine wave modified by the new wave. This is a protection and it is not recommended to be hold for long duration due to generated heat and unpredictable (temperature/time dependent) 45-65mA current. This function generator a.k.a waveform generator can produce square wave (5V/0V) with frequency ranging from 1Hz to 2MHz, the frequency of the wave can be controlled by a knob and the duty cycle is hardcoded to 50% but it is easy to change that in the program as well. Next, download and open WaveForms Workspace 2. Once programmed, the AD2 communicates with the WaveForms application via a USB 2.0 connection using FT232H USB bridge. The PDM Pattern Generator (Patterns 2) instance uses a custom bus and one ROM logic unit (for more info about ROM logic, see the ROM logic attachment): Next, download and open WaveForms Workspace 2. Normally the analog discovery is controlled through the free software package Waveforms. when i get to typing in the measured values for wavegen 1 i get stuck with the -5 V measurment because it shows - 0.714 ish volts and the wizard are not able to proceed. Spectrum Analyzer for PDM Generator (Patterns 2) in WaveForms Workspace 1. For a "Noise" signal, Frequency determines the DAC update rate. "Sweep to" gives you an upper limit for your sweep range, with the lower limit set at the frequency listed in the "Frequency" box listed to the left. Following Option 2.1 (i.e Install LabVIEW) from the previous project is required. You can import a saved waveform file, and by adjusting the "Start" and "Length" you can determine how much of the file is imported, starting with the file's left most plot value and working left to right. If you don't like what happens, simple click "Undo". Failing to do so can cause the whole project to freeze running. Using the Waveform Generator. August 23, 2017. All of these functions affect the carrier, AM, and FM signals in the same ways. The comparator outputs a high as long as the counter value is lower than the register value and a low for the remainder of the carrier period. The biggest difference is at the midscale (signal 4). The first parameter is the signal type. At its core this LabVIEW project is simply calling the C/C++ API functions. There are several options here as well. "Basic" gives you all the same waveform and parameter options as "Simple", but with much more control over each parameter. We have the AD2 connected through the impedance analyzer adapter to high power ultrasonic transducers (20-30kHz,piezo stacks). This is where the magic happens! Make the following edits: 25% for "Start", 50% for "Length", select Triangle type, 50% "Symmetry", and then 180 "Phase". The PDM Generator in WaveForms Workspace 1. The carry out (overflow of the n-bit accumulator) is the output, modulated signal. 30 MHz+ (BNC Adapter) 9 MHz (Flywires) . I have checked the output of the Audio on my scope, everything is ok. i am trying to troubleshoot on some "broken" AD2's. This menu is where there are some major differences, so let's look at those one at a time. All channels that have a check mark have been opened and can be viewed in their own separate pane. Analog Discovery 2 is small enough to fit in a pocket, but powerful enough to replace a stack of lab equipment, providing engineering students, hobbyists, and electronics enthusiasts the freedom to work with . Modifying the settings of one of the channels causes both to be restarted. Have fun building! Fnirsi-1014d 7" LCD 2 Channel Signal Generator Digital Storage Oscilloscope N2n4. This prevents you from opening a device that is already in use. these both read 1.2 volts. Does anyone has an idea how to fix that ? Running at 500kHz, it generates a new overflow result every 2 microseconds. DIO10 from the Analog Discovery 2 will be providing our input signal, so connect that to the resistor node not connected to the capacitor. Clicking will turn on/off only that channel. 2. The "output" trace is the only signal that will be generated by the Wavegen, but the plot shows all signals to help you visualize the behavior of the modulated carrier. Scope view of PWM in WaveForms Workspace 2. Note that by default the carrier is a full order of magnitude higher than either the FM or AM frequencies. "Offset" allows you to change where your center value is in relation to 0 V. It imparts a DC bias onto whatever AC signal you are generating. For example, if you set the carrier frequency to 1 kHz, an index of 10% will increase the output frequency to 10% faster (1.1 kHz) than the carrier when the FM signal reaches maximum amplitude. The Wavegen output is protected for shorting it the ground, to the other Wavegen or to the device's +/-5V supplies. "Plot width" lets you pick how wide the plot trace is. I guess the actual "last" custom option is the ability to just free hand whatever custom waveform you feel like making. The LPF we will be using is a 10k ohm resistor in series with a 10nF capacitor to ground. There are only a few controls associated with the control toolbar. Adjust "Sample rate" and "Time span" will also automatically adjust, and vice versa. Did you make this project? The ideal power to not heat the protection. For applications that are better suited to breadboards, the Breadboard Breakout and Breadboard Adapter provide different options for quick connection to a breadboard. for a 1 kHz signal, enter a 1 ms run time) will regularly reset the signal output and any accumulated error will continuously be reset to 0. lets you set how many times you want the set signal to repeat before returning the output to idle state. PDM in and filtered output at 4MHz clock speed. It doesn't enable/disable the parameter, but minimizes the slider and displays the parameter name and value vertically. With a clock frequency of F_clock = 1 / T_clock Hz, the carrier frequency is a constant value F_carrier = F_clock / 2^n Hz. Author: The first three steps import, and then are normalized to the size of the plot window. For more info on how these API functions work refer to the WaveForms SDK reference manual. Download and open Waveforms Workspace 1 after you have set up your LPF then click run on Patterns 1 and Scope 1. "Phase" lets you shift your signal horizontally along the time base, but in units of . If you are curious about how to draw a cursor on the 2d picture check out the subVI code above. Contents PDM in and filtered output at 500kHz clock speed. "Offset" moves the signal vertically. Special VIs usedto call each individual Waveforms API function in LabVIEW. I'mrepairing AD2's for the University of Helsinki (Electronics research lab). The "Symmetry" parameter becomes a "Power" parameter for a SinePower waveform. With a mixed signal, mixed domain oscilloscope, and 16-channel logic analyzer and protocol analyzer, the Analog Discovery 2 provides an entire bench-top of instruments in one portable device. I got a problem with my device. Two advantages result: one, the carrier spectral components are at much higher frequencies making the LPF more efficient; and second, each modulated value exhibits a different apparent carrier frequency. if yes does it tell you something thatAWG1/2_REF is 1.2 volts and not 1 volt? Seumeneur, Even a simple piezo tape can generate high voltagethatcould damageelectronics. Share it with us! that is why i found you test interesting and thought i simple check of reference voltages might reveal something. At the bottom of the plot parameters window you will see the "Modulation" box. You can add as many as you want. Since this isn't a manufacturing defect, it is also not covered by warranty sowe can't replace it. Analog Discovery 2 can be configured to work with a wide range of traditional instruments using free Waveforms 2015 software (Mac, Linux and Windows compatible). The Digilent Analog Discovery 2, developed in conjunction with Analog Devices, is a multi-function instrument that allows users to measure, visualize, generate, record, and control mixed signal circuits of all kinds. Inventory: Qty Description Typical Image Schematic Symbol Breadboard Image; 1: Buzzer/Speaker: The Buzzer/Speaker in the analog parts kit has two terminals. In the new GUI Main there are two primary sections to focus on, the Device Selection Loop and the Run Device Functions section. There are 4096 samples that each correspond to a data point on the plot. Click "OK" at the bottom and you'll drop back one window. Change "Samples" to 20 and edit the default function script to be "sin(2*PI*X)". Clicking the top allows you to determine what the Wavegen channel will output while in an idle state. You can use any value you want, and with "Normalize" checked, the values will scale, relative to the max and min values given, to fit in the plot. Oscilloscope and Waveform Generator You can edit each data point individually to really customize your own waveform, which would be very time consuming, but if you need it go for it. "Modulation" allows you to modify the amplitude, frequency, or even both, of a high frequency carrier signal according to the amplitude second, lower frequency signal. Un-checking the box will keep the output at the set frequency with no sweep. Then from the "Alter" tab, make sure "+ Add" is selected, then click . Standard Cartesian plot rules apply, so only one y value per x value. To launch the Waveform Generator, click on the Wavegen button. Powered by Invision Community, Analog Discovery WaveForm Generator Failure, https://reference.digilentinc.com/reference/instrumentation/analog-discovery-2/reference-manual#awg_iv, https://reference.digilentinc.com/reference/instrumentation/analog-discovery-2/reference-manual#scope_input_divider_and_gain_selection, https://reference.digilentinc.com/_detail/analog_discovery_2/ad2_19.png?id=reference%3Ainstrumentation%3Aanalog-discovery-2%3Areference-manual, https://reference.digilentinc.com/reference/instrumentation/analog-discovery-2/reference-manual#awg_reference_and_offset, https://reference.digilentinc.com/analog_discovery_2/refmanual#figure_19. When you open it, there is a table of default values on the left. "Color" lets you change the plot background between black and white. Digilent Technical Forums. browsing through all sorts off semi related forums etc. Picture from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Zeroorderhold.signal.svg. The mini-grabbers provide a secure connection to ICs and smaller components for the oscilloscope, waveform generator, logic analyzer, or any of the 12 test and measurement devices on the Analog Discovery 2. Analog Discovery Custom LabVIEW Wavefrom Generator.zip, Interactive Electronic Toy of Jack-O-lantern & Horse. Generate Standard Periodic Waveforms Using Digilent Analog Discovery Use function generator channels to generate a 1 kHz sinusoidal waveform, and record data at the same time, using an analog input channel. I got a problem with my device. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Once the the front panel has open for this VI do what is depicted in this gif to get the waveform generator running. Refer the the comments in the code for details. the Analog Discovery 2 the 215 flywire signal cable USB cable 1 6-pin male header To start off, get the latest version of the WaveForms software from the Digilent site. Am i understanding this right. Wavegen options. The plot axes are listed in terms of percentage. 62. The concatenated high pulse length range is T_clock * [0 to (2^n) - 1], and the duty cycle can be modulated in the range of [0 to (2^n) - 1], with a resolution of 2^(-n). Spectrum Analyzer window for PWM in WaveForms Workspace 2. The truth table implements a 5-bit binary counter. Asked by latot, May 16. I had an .mp3 music file max out the sample buffer, and at 44.1 kHz playback frequency, it lasted for about 3 mins, 46 s (10 Msamples / 44.1 kHz 226 seconds). Here is a plot of the same values, but with "Normalize" un-checked. i found this thread. Analog Discovery 2 Pinout: What can the Analog Discover 2 do? More on that below. Also, their is a spurious 3V drop between ground and the output of the channel 1 To finish, the device warms up very quickely. On the right you will see a plot of the waveform of your file. Use a ~500 Ohm series resistor when connecting it to low impedance to limit the current to 10mA and you can safely generate +/-5V signals. There are many types of signal modulation (both analog and digital), but we will be looking into two popular techniques in DAC called Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) and Pulse Density Modulation (PDM). Add a function generator channel with device ID AD1 and channel ID 1.Set the waveform type to Arbitrary.The voltage range of the output signal is -5.0 to +5.0 volts. In this project, this is due to the charging and discharging of our capacitor through our resistor. Alternatively, changing the sample rate will adjust the frequency to match. For this Instructable you will need: - Analog Discovery 2 * - Waveforms 2015 software Be aware that choosing "continuous" can introduce an accumulated rounding error to the signal output over time, resulting in a phase shift. Analog Discovery 2. Place Channel 1 of the oscilloscope to read the voltage across the series combination of the resistor and capacitor and Channel 2 across only the capacitor. If we adjust the frequency, the sample rate will adjust to match. LabVIEW (versions 2013 and 2014 have been tested to work so far). Refer to the numbered comments in the code for more info. They are the same as the controls for the "Simple" option, but with the addition of "Sweep to" and "Damp to" controls just to the right. You can get some pretty cool outputs. This option is really good for building step functions. Pulse Modulation Techniques with the Analog Discovery 2. But I usually do not give up easily. You can remove one at a time or select "Clear" to remove all files. For the trigger settings, lets you determine what type of trigger source you want. The mini-grabbers provide a secure connection to ICs and smaller components for the Free shipping for many products! Asked by If you want to scope your custom signal output, you can click the Enable Scope button before selecting the device. You can set this to any value between 1 and 30,000 cycles, or choose infinite. Copyright Digilent Inc. The n-bit register can store any binary value from 0 to (2^n) - 1. The editor window will look like this. If the device is already in use, the front panel controls are configured so the "OK" button is grayed out. Analog Discovery. Here is my trouble shooting. The AD8068 is a dual op amp, the figure 19 of the documentation is missing, is the Right Audio circuit and the out circuit of the AWG1 use separate op amp ? Waveform generator window. Waveforms will divide the plot evenly between each point and then calculate the value at each point according to the function determined by the script. The 5-bit ROM logic block, ROM1. Share it with us! NOTE: For this project DC offset is set to a constant of 0. Labels will only appear on this plot. "Sample rate" is the rate at which the file samples will be played back and defaults to match the data from the imported file. A low pass filter takes advantage of this by essentially creating (for some specific moment in time) a voltage that is proportional to the instantaneous duty cycle. Figure 6. To hear the tones being played you can plug headphones or speakers into the Analog Discoverys 3.5mm jack. For example, if you have "manual" selected, enter "5" in the repeat box, and check "repeat trigger", you will have to click the manual trigger button at the bottom five times. The samples are used as the register described earlier in this section. Im sorry to hear that. and i often i get the same error. "Start" and "Length" refer to the x-axis on the plot. Let's take them one at a time, starting with the control toolbar. You can simply type in whatever math function you want using Javascript syntax. For more on how signal modulation works, check out the Wikipedia articles here for Amplitude Modulation and here for Frequency Modulation. It is available for purchase at the Digilent online store. An n-bit binary counter counts 2^n values before rolling over. In the new window that opens, click the "Math" tab and enter "sin(3*2*PI*X)/3". 3. Below that you find the "Run All" button. From here you can take any function you've already designed and alter it with another function. Improved signal/noise and crosstalk performances for both the scope and waveform generator. For the first measurements, we use the Digital IO of the M2k or the Digital Static I/O feature of Analog Discovery. The core of this project is generating analog signals. There are some functions that are the same regardless of what signal you are generating. Improved performance Enhanced signal/noise and crosstalk performance for both scope and waveform generator. It is high as often as the accumulator overflows, showing that a quanta, or delta resulted in the accumulation process. I'll come back to this. The Wavegen channels are always available through the headphone jack, not just when "Play" is selected. These are located on the bottom of the board. The first is by selecting "Custom" from the drop down menu, at which point you will see. Key specifications: Specification. Analog Discovery 2, Waveform Generator Resistance. Over some time interval, the low pass filter outputs a voltage that is representative of the dynamics of the pulse duty cycle.